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Kinglight Adds to Beijing Winter Olympics Glory Moments
News | 2023-09-26


Winter Olympics Fulfills Dreams and Sparks Beijing

The world is watching the 24th Winter Olympic Games.

The 24th Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

Kinglight witnessed the glorious moment

Helping Beijing to be the city of two Olympics

The Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing.

Helping the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics





Helping Beijing and Yanqing Award Plaza







Helping the Winter Olympics event venues





Helping 5G+8K watch the Olympics on thousands of screens in 100 cities





From the Rio Olympics in Brazil, the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia to the Beijing Winter Olympics in the “city of two Olympics”, Kinglight LED has won the favor again and again by virtue of its superior quality and innovative technology and many other advantages, and with the aid of the 100 cities and 1,000 screens industry policy and 5G+8K technology, it has helped the Olympic events to shine! Beijing Winter Olympics event is in full swing, let’s cheer for the Winter Olympics, applaud the sportsmen and women, and work together towards the future!