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What has Kinglight done to diversify the LED market?
News | 2023-09-27

Recently the winter olympics in full swing, at the time of the event is hot, LED display also earned a lot of eyeballs. Whether it is the opening and closing ceremonies of the multi-morphism of the big screen, or outdoor stadium screen, outdoor live screen; indoor studio, backdrop, LED display application scenarios have a new interpretation, and gradually show a unique display belongs to the “meta-universe”.


Back to people’s lives, LED display is also gradually expanding the “territory”, outdoor screen to naked eye 3D, ultra high definition development, indoor virtual studio, theater screen is also accelerating.
In the context of scene diversification, also brings new requirements to the light source device. In addition to the reliability of the traditional outdoor screen requirements, the current light source device is also gradually to the high brightness, small size development, in addition to technological upgrades, but also need to cope with different scenes, different personalized needs. In this regard, the connoisseur said Research investigated Kinglight Optoelectronics, to understand its different product specifications and attribute requirements in different scenarios, to explore in the LED market scenarios under the background of diversification, how the light source device should meet the market demand, and what development trend will be presented.
New demand under diversified market

In 2022, several emerging applications such as naked eye 3D, 5G+8K outdoor UHD, LED cinema, LED virtual studio, transparent screen, etc. have further opened up the LED display market, and with it, new packaging demands. Kinglight has launched corresponding product specifications according to the needs of different markets.

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Naked eye 3D

The emergence of naked eye 3D undoubtedly for the outdoor screen has brought new growth vitality, 2021 so far, outdoor media screen marketing and commercial value in the market through naked eye 3D to get a rapid release.
For the light source device, in addition to the traditional outdoor large screen high reliability requirements, virtual content production also brings new requirements for naked eye 3D – brightness.
In order to realize better 3D effect, high brightness is the first place of naked eye 3D big screen, which usually requires more than 8000nit, and in order to ensure the effect of outdoor naked eye 3D, Kinglight launched 10,000 brightness products in this field, and mainly used 3535, 2727, 1820 products.


It is reported that to reach the high brightness of the product, Kinglight uses high-performance, high-brightness reverse polarity red light, blue and green using large-size gold electrode chip, with matte glue, in order to ensure the consistency of the appearance of matte on the basis of the brightness of the product to enhance 10%.

Outdoor 5G+8K

Outdoor large screen in addition to the rapid growth of naked eye 3D, in the “100 cities and thousands of screens” under the promotion of 5G + 8K ushered in rapid development. Because of the 100 cities and thousands of screen requirements screen in 4K or more, and requires a certain percentage of 8K large screen, further promoting the development of small spacing large screen.


In this field, Kinglight mainly adopts 1515 and 1112 products. Compared with the traditional large screen lamp beads, 1515 in terms of brightness need to pay attention to cater to the high brightness requirements brought by the outdoor. In addition, the traditional waterproof, anti-knock problem, it is reported that the current outdoor high-definition large screen pitch is mainly in the P2.5-3 or so, but also mainly because of the need to meet the protective requirements, such as increasing the protection of the PV coating process, coupled with masks, glue and other materials.

Commercial transparent screen

In recent years, with the development of the “night tour economy”, light shows, city lighting and other activities for the LED display has brought new incremental space, and LED display technology is also under the demand to achieve further development.


From the previous monochrome screen to the personalized screen that can play video now, behind the technology is the multi-dimensional upgrade of the product. In this regard, Kinglight mainly uses 1515 and 2020, and what is more noteworthy is that Kinglight Optoelectronics integrates single light and IC to make intelligent external control LED light source integrating control circuit and light-emitting circuit, realizing that each component is a pixel, achieving a better visual effect in the limited and transparent space, and also meeting the current demand for personalized urban lighting. It also meets the personalized needs of current urban lighting.

LED Virtual Studio

LED virtual studio has attracted a lot of attention from the industry in the recent past, and a number of manufacturers have entered the market. Relevant data show that in 2021, the global XR film and television shooting related market size of 3.2 billion U.S. dollars, and our country is in the exploration period of the market. Virtual studio can meet different shooting environments, such as this year’s hit TV series, because the bus scene is difficult to shoot, that is, the use of LED virtual studio technology. With the development of film and television technology, virtual studio market is expected to continue to expand.

As an indoor application, its contrast, display effect, color deviation at various angles have put forward new requirements for the light source device, after much research found that the smaller the pixel pitch of the display, the more realistic the virtual scene. Technically, the light source device needs to be of automotive grade reliability standard; the driver IC needs to be of high refresh rate, high gray level and high frame rate to reach the real shooting standard. In this regard, Kinglight Optoelectronics mainly launches 1212, 1415 and 2020 devices.

LED Cinema

In 2021, the State Film Bureau issued the “14th Five-Year Plan” for China’s film development plan, around the market demand, technical requirements and other directions to put forward the theater LED screen and other technologies and equipment and other key points. It is reported that as of the end of September 2021, China has a total of 80,743 screens, 14,235 theaters, movie screens have successfully exceeded 80,000, and is expected to increase by more than 10% per year.

In the accelerated market environment, to the upgrade of technology, LED cinema has also become a major application market of industry concern, as a major indoor application market, Kinglight photoelectric developed P3 series, mainly using 2020, 1010, 1415 light source devices.


New demand to promote the development of small micro-pitch

In the current LED display market widening road, whether it is indoor display, or outdoor ultra-high definition applications, small micro-pitch has occupied a certain track. Connoisseurs say Research predicts that the LED display industry, although affected by the epidemic in 2020, but after the recovery in 2021, back to sustainable growth track, is expected to 2025 compound growth rate of 18.83%, especially in the growth of the obvious P1.0 below the micro-pitch display market is highly industry attention.


White Paper on 2021 Macro Pitch LED Display Research

In terms of high-definition small-pitch, Kinglight Optoelectronics has launched 1010 and 0606 light source devices, with Top1010 as the main force. On this basis, Kinglight Optoelectronics is also vigorously promoting the 0606 products, and the Supreme A series products are all adopting flip-flop technology. Kinglight said, after a long time of technical accumulation, TOP program has more advantages in salt water and salt spray and cost, and will also become one of the main products of HD small-pitch.

In terms of micro-pitch,Kinglight has launched COB0.9, COB0.78 and COB0.6 products.


Responding to “Differentiation” with “Customization”

In order to further address the new challenges brought by the emerging market, and in the context of industry centralization, Kinglight has launched three series of differentiated product design solutions for different requirements: Standard S series, Supreme A series, and Flagship KS series, with customization to meet the needs of more aspects. All three series accept high brightness and high contrast (B version) customization, common shade and common sun customization.

The three series of products have further enriched the product line of Kinglight Optronics in terms of layers on the basis of diverse applications. For example, in the field of naked eye 3D display, the products of Kinglight Optoelectronics include the flagship KS series 2727-KS4 and 3535-KS4; the supreme A series 1820-A1, 1820-A2, 2727-A1, 2727-A4, 3535-A1 and 3535-A4; and the standard S series 2727-S2.

And in terms of high-definition small pitch, the products include Supreme A series products: Flip 0606-A1, Flip 1010-A1; Standard S series products: 0606-S1, TOP1010-S1. with a wealth of products to further meet the market diversification and differentiation needs.

Summary: In recent years, with the advancement of technology, the expansion of the industry, coupled with the development of science and technology, demand for upgrading, the LED industry has also gradually emerged in a number of application areas, synchronized to show a new industrial vitality, differentiation, personalization has also become the focus of attention of the supply chain manufacturers. Kinglight responds to the diversified demands of the industry with its customized and multi-series product matrix, and on the other hand, further promotes the development of the industry with its featured products, helping the LED industry to develop rapidly in the emerging fields.