When it comes to the talk of LED displays, we usually mention the backdrop screens at a stage or an LED billboard standing alongside the road. No doubt these LED displays with a rectangular shape and a flat surface are more commonly seen around us. But they’re limited to certain application scenarios. As the design and manufacturing of LED displays continue to evolve, more and more creative LED displays emerge and expand the application of LEDs into some new sectors that we couldn’t image in the past.
irregular LED display catches more attention
Creative LED display is in fact more a definition of LED display with creative designs and usages, rather than a certain type of LED screen. That is to say, creative LED display can be either an irregular shaped LED display, or a 3D LED screen, or a transparent LED film screen. These LED displays bring us various creative features for presenting images and dynamic videos. They provide unique viewing experience that a conventional flat and rectangular LED display can’t offer to us; and more importantly, develop more application scenarios that a conventional LED display can’t work for.
Now let’s proceed to different types of creative LED displays, and see what unique features they bring to their dedicated application scenarios.
In recent years, we see more and more naked eye 3D LED displays on the wall surfaces of city landmark buildings. This kind of screen is usually built into an L shape. Expertise says the two screen surfaces can create visuals with slight differences in our left and right eye. This makes the final 3D visuals we see without wearing glasses.
3D LED displays not only beautify wall surfaces of city landmarks, but also create unique 3D visuals that we can’t see in the street in the past. Meanwhile, city landmarks with 3D LED displays attract more visitors and increase revenue for the ambient business.
Naked eye 3D LED billboard in Seoul, Korea
Transparent LED display is the second creative design we’ll discuss here.
Transparent LED display defines a type of LED screen with a certain transparency while we watch. That means, usually a transparent LED display is not a totally transparent screen. But when we look at it at a relative longer distance, it looks transparent.
In fact, transparent LED displays can be achieved with different designs.
The first type is LED cabinets with very large spacing between its pixels. That means there is a huge gap between the adjacent metal bars which hold LEDs. So when look at the screen, these gaps give us a transparent experience.
The second type should be the LED modules utilizing transparent material, such as a transparent LED films we see on the windows of a shopping mall. Transparent LED films use transparent PCBs to house LEDs. And since LEDs themselves are smaller components, we also get a high transparency on LED films.
Transparent LED displays are widely used onto glass curtain walls, windows, or window partitions in shopping malls and retail stores, providing dynamic visuals for commercial ads with a unique look through experiences.
In addition, transparent LED displays can be designed into different transparency, from 30% to 70%, or even reaching 90%, to suit different application scenarios.
Transparent LED films on the wall surface of a shopping mall.
Interactive LED display, as it is named, creates interactive features according to different requirement.
Interactive LED display are commonly seen on LED dance floors. These floors are designed to give different visual responses to the dancers standing on the screen, such as footprints, water waves or splashes, blossom flowers, etc.
Interactive LED displays usually integrate weight, sound, or movement sensors to provide interactive features for the screen. And meanwhile, designers develop special visual effects or functions to interact with end users.
Sphere LED display is a ball like LED display that provides 360 degrees view when you look at it from different directions, no matter where you are.
One of the prominent features of a sphere LED display is its specifically designed visual contents for an unforgettable spherical viewing experience. For example, on the world famous MSG Sphere, we can see a lot of unique videos for a spherical display, such as a basketball, a baseball, or emoji motions covering around the ball display.
MSG Sphere displays basketball ads for NBA Summer League
Another prominent feature of a sphere LED display is the amazing 3D effects it provides. Again let’s look at an incredible moment of the MSG Sphere.
Integrating independent kinetic panel design, LED displays nowadays can present visual contents with great motion by the screen itself.
The most amazing part of a kinetic LED display should be the same as a sphere LED display – the specifically designed contents. For example, a kinetic LED display is usually used to show the countdown of an event. At this occasion, the countdown number come out one by one with very impressive 3D motions. The countdown number extrude outward gradually until it reaches the max extruding position, and then retract inward to finally disappear on the screen. And then the next number comes out just like the previous one. This makes the countdown more interesting and attractive than a traditional LED display.
Another impressive application of kinetic LED display is the wave like motion on the screen. That is to create wave like shapes on a kinetic LED display. This unique way of utilizing a kinetic LED display avoids dull feelings on a conventional LED screen without any motion. That’s why the LG’s kinetic LED display attracted great attention at ISE 2024.
Nowadays, more and more business favour more over innovative designs, LED displays are integrating more diversified shapes rather than a rectangular, round, ring, or cube LED display. Irregular LED displays aim at max utilizing a limited space, imitating something commonly seen in our daily life, presenting brand logos, etc.
Sometimes in a limited place, it’s difficult to put in a conventional LED display, so we use an irregular LED display instead. Thanks to the evolving manufacturing technique of LED displays, we can utilize soft LED panels to fit any irregular shaped LED displays onto nearly any surfaces of an architecture. That’s why we see LED poles and guard rails in a shopping mall. While provide attracting visual, they occupy no more space.
Imitating something we see in our daily life can make an LED screen more interesting and grabs more eyes. For example, a beer bottle or Pepsi can like LED screen can stand there alone just like a real bottle of beer or a can of Pepsi. If don’t tell, you even won’t notice it is an LED screen.
Another way of using irregular LED display is to present brand logos or any other symbols of a business.These kinds of LED displays usually appear at the front of a company, a theme park, a sports club, or an entertainment venue.
Kinglight provides various LEDs for screen manufacturing
In conclusion, creative LED displays can be widely seen in different designs and features to meet different requirement of visual impact. No matter if it’s a screen providing naked eye 3D visuals, or a display offering an unique look through experience, or an LED floor with interactive features, the creative designs of LED screens expand the application scenarios to some area you can never imagine in the past.