When we’re about to make a choice between different LED walls, beyond application scenario (where the screen is going to be used, either indoor or outdoor), pixel pitch comes as one of the most important elements we should consider. And we often describe the pixel pitch of an LED wall with a letter “P” ahead of numbers. For example, an LED wall with a pixel pitch of 2mm is often written as P2 LED wall. Tough the pixel pitch of LED walls varies a lot, ranging from less than 1mm to 10mm or even higher, here let’s focus on two commonly seen types for a relatively close viewing distance, the P2 and P3 LED wall. And discover as more differences as we can, to help a better decision when get stuck between the two.
P2 LED display for science and technology museum
At the sector of LED walls, a pixel refers to every LED on a screen. For example, if an LED wall has an unlit LED, we often call it a dead pixel. So along with pitch, pixel pitch describes the distance between adjacent LEDs on an LED wall.
For example, a P1 LED wall gets 1mm spacing between its adjacent LEDs.
So why pixel pitch matters?
1st, pixel pitch decides the image quality and sharpness of an LED wall. If you want a better image quality, the smaller pixel pitch is, the better.
2nd, pixel pitch also affects the viewing distance. Smaller the pixel pitch is, the closer viewing distance we get. For example, a P1 LED wall should be watched at around a 2 meter distance, and mostly for indoor usage. On the other side, a P10 LED wall is better to be viewed at dozens of meters, and often for outdoors.
3rd, different pixel pitch also means different size of LEDs and increased cost. That is, smaller pixel pitch LED walls require smaller LED and much more volumes per square meter.
For example, Kinglight MiP0606 LED measures only 0.65*0.65mm, and all components should be included it this small size, which indicates more accuracy required for manufacturing. While a Kinglight 3535 SMD LED measures 3.5*3.7mm, which is much larger and suits P10 LED display.
Meanwhile, a square meter P1 LED wall needs 1,000, 000 LEDs while a P10 LED requires only 10,000 LEDs.
But when it comes to P2 and P3 LED wall, you might think their pixel pitches are quite close, 1mm doesn’t make a lot of differences. But sorry to tell that you’re totally wrong. For experienced end users of LED walls or experts in LED industry, they can easily know which one is a P2 or P3 LED wall and tell their differences.
That means, a P2 and a P3 LED wall have a lot of differences. That’s why we start the topic here. Now let’s dive into subject at several aspects.
A P2 LED wall offers a pixel density of 250,000 dots per square meter, while a P3 LED wall provides 111,111 LEDs per square meter. No doubt a P2 LED wall has higher pixel density than a P3 LED wall.
P2 SMD LED panel
With much higher pixel density, a P2 LED wall offers sharper and crisper images for outstanding picture quality. On the other hand, a P3 LED wall still displays good quality images but not as good as a P2 LED wall.
Smaller pixel pitch also means more advanced manufacturing process is required. A P2 LED wall needs more accurate processing than a P3 LED wall, which result in higher cost for manufacturing.
A P2 LED wall is usually recommended for closer viewing distance, typically less than 2 meters; while a P3 LED wall requires a relatively longer viewing distance, probably between 2 – 4 meters.
A P2 LED wall is more suitable for indoor settings, such as a control room, retail store, or exhibitions which requires sharper and clearer images; while a P3 LED wall is often used in larger indoor venues, such as a conference room, or a indoor event where viewers are farther away from the screen.
A P2 LED wall costs much higher than a P3 LED wall due to its higher pixel density and more complicated manufacturing process, while a P3 LED wall is a more cost effective option if less requirement for image quality.
Simply to put, a P2 LED wall is more suitable for closer viewing distance and provides sharp and crisp images for high end application scenarios, especially indoor settings such as control rooms, product showrooms, etc.
On the other hand, a P3 LED wall works better at a relatively longer viewing distance. If you have a limited budget and requires less for image quality, it’s better to take a P3 LED wall into consideration since it’s a more cost effective option for most circumstances.