Photo Transistor Coupler


    • Current conversion rate CTR: 20%~300% at IF = 1mA, VCE = 5V
    • High isolation voltage between input and output (Viso=3750 V rms)
    • Compact 16-pin SSOP with 2.0 mm footprint
    • AC input response

Basic parameters

Product Package size(LxWxHmm) VF (V) BV CEO (Min) (V) V CE(SAT) (Max) (V) IF (mA) CTR (%) tr (uS) tf (uS) ton (uS) toff (uS) Topr (Min) (degC) Topr (Max) (degC) Viso (Vrms)
KLQ3H4 SSOP16 4.4x10.28x2.0 1.2 80 0.2 ±1 20~300 18 18 - - -55 +100 3750

Benchmarking model

Broadcom/Avago Onsemi/Fairchild Toshiba Vishay Liteon EL Cosmo Sharp QUNXIN
ACPL-244 TLP292-4 TCMT4600 LTV-244 ELQ3H4

Application scope

Programmable logic controller measuring instrument hybrid integrated circuit

Product specifications

Tags: KLQ3H4    Photo Transistor Coupler   

Sample Request

After receiving your sample application, we will contact you within 24 hours. If the information is truthful and in accordance with the sample policy, the shipment will be made within 48 hours after the review is approved, and the courier information will be synchronously fed back to you through the phone or email provided. If you encounter out of stock or other special circumstances, we will also notify you in a timely manner< Br> After you receive the sample, please conduct testing in the application project as soon as possible and send the usage information via email sales@kinglight.com give us feedback.

After receiving your sample application, we will contact you within 24 hours. After you receive the sample, please conduct testing in the application project as soon as possible and send the usage information via emailsales@kinglight.com give us feedback.